Would you like to sell our products

in your business?

If you own a store, a supermarket, or distribute products, we are dedicated to being your most committed supplier.


What kind of business are you involved in?


The proximity to the consumer and the versatility of the business make the store our strongest ally because it always reaches the hearts of people.


Strategic sector for the nostalgic market, with the ability to attract customers from diverse backgrounds, key for the development of our products


They allow consumers greater access to products from distant places and other countries, a customer that becomes our strategic partner.

Our Strengths

Why choose to work with us? Here are some reasons:

+150 Brands

+150 Brands

The most beloved and demanded brands by nostalgic consumers in Europe. Brands from 17 countries.



We establish alliances with our clients to achieve the set objectives, strengthening our win-win relationship.

Technological platform

Plataforma tecnológica

State-of-the-art technological support for logistics coordination such as SAP ERP, SGA, and Inacatalog, allowing us to offer agile customer-focused service.

Colombia Brand

The Colombia Country Brand is evidence of the quality and excellence of the products we market in Europe, which are produced with raw materials from the South American country

Peru Brand

The Peru Country Brand is evidence of the quality and excellence of the products we market in Europe, which are produced with raw materials from the South American country.



We reach over 4,000 stores, supermarkets, and distributors in Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Portugal, and other countries of the European Union, as well as Israel, the United Kingdom, and more.

21 years of experience

21 years of experience

This trajectory allows us to understand the market and work together with other companies and ventures to grow together.

Market knowledge

Market knowledge

Thanks to an interconnected network of advisors and specialists with knowledge and resources to reach all consumers.

Marketing actions

Marketing actions

That foster product availability and turnover, ensuring a constant cash flow that supports the growth of the entire value chain.

Contact a sales representative


Entrepreneurs who share their stories of hard work, discipline, and success

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Send your business information, and a Sales Advisor will guide you through the purchasing process. This way, you’ll become part of our commercial and service network.

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